Immortal Hulk 3D Print by Possum_Art

Both Disney and Marvel have failed to provide a TRUE Immortal Hulk figure. Sure they have made some Hulk figures and labelled them as the “Immortal Hulk”. But they bear little to no resemblance to the Joe Bennett Hulk we love.

Thankfully for what corporations have failed to provide – the fans have delivered. I was searching Cults3D some time ago and came across a wonderful Immortal Hulk model uploaded by Possum_Art. The face has the closest resemblance to the Immortal Hulk I have yet to find anywhere. So of course I NEEDED to make this.

After a few weeks of printing and painting I present you the true Immortal Hulk.

I will admit I am not a huge fan of the pose…for this character. Let me explain. I am also a big fan of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. and as far as visual adaptations I love Berni Wrightson’s rendition. I encourage you to check out his work if you aren’t familiar. His creature is both terrifying and oddly beautiful. This model for me invokes some of that same feeling. And this pose would be perfect for Frankenstein’s creature. But since Hulk is a derivation of Frankenstein…it sort of works for me.

Other then the pose (which I wish was a bit more aggressive) I am loving the sculpt. The level of detail in the musculature is amazing. Though I feel there was more focus on the upper half and the legs weren’t given the same level of attention. The face is a bit odd at a couple angles…not sure it’s exactly right. But it’s not a deal breaker.

He was also a lot of fun to paint. I attempted to give him a bluer color palette as he’s depicted in the comics mostly at night. For the most part this came out ok but maybe I went a bit heavy on some yellows for the highlights. I was also having a horrible time getting his pupils lined up right. Ultimately I gave up on pupils and left the eyes as glowing yellow orbs. Which I think adds to his animalistic ferocity.

Most parts printer perfectly and it was easy to assemble. But oddly enough the most issue I had was with the rock. I had to use a heat gun to make it fit into the ground plate. They were separate parts.

Overall this is a wonderful model and I thank Possum_Art for making it. Be sure to visit his page on Cults3D and consider making one yourself.

Sephon66 – (Compound) Hulk Smash (3D Print)


For some time now I resolved not to attempt another Hulk 3D print. The Planet Hulk project took so long and the Vengeance Hulk was a huge headache. But then I found this amazing model from Sephon66 over at CGtrader. I instantly saw potential for a large scale compound hulk. The artist must’ve based the head sculpt on the cover from Hulk #30.

The model at full size was a bit too big for my printer…mostly due to the base which was the largest piece. So I scaled it down to roughly 75-85% if I recall correctly. In retrospect I probably would’ve retained a bit more detail in the model had I gone bigger, but for the most part I’m happy with how it printed.

Going smaller took less time to print and paint which I also preferred.

Overall the making of this figure went smoother then previous prints. However, painting it threw me a few curveballs. I didn’t quite have the right metallic paint for the Hulkbuster so I had to improvise. It’s decent, but not as metallic as I would like. Also, the green skin of Hulk initially was very bright and clashed strongly with all the red/warm colors of the figure. Referring back to color theory this I should have predicted as they are complimentary colors. Visually somewhat jarring. So to make this less of a problem I painted a thin wash of red over the surface of the green. This helped a lot, but almost too well. I had to lightly remove some red to let the green highlights come through. Once I found a good balance the the colors of the figure seemed to better mesh together.

This figure was a lot of fun to make and I am happy with it. Though I still feel it’s not as good as the Planet Hulk statue I made. In any case it makes an incredible addition to my collection and highlights one more form of Hulk rarely seen as a toy/statue/etc.

If you are interested in making this yourself I recommend you check it out here and support the artist.

CGTrader – Hulk Smash – Sephon66

Check out the gallery below for more images.


Marvelocity: Ross and Kidd Book signing

If you follow this site then you’ll know I had the opportunity to meet Alex Ross earlier in the year. Thankfully he decided to make a second appearance on August 10, 2019 at the Dunn Museum. He was there to promote both his book Marvelocity, and his art exhibition of the same name. This time was the added bonus of the co-creator, Chip Kidd, who was in attendance.

They both sat down for a few hours to sign their book and take some quick questions. I showed up early and after waiting a few hours I was able to quickly meet them. This time I was clear-headed enough to grab a photo with Alex. I also requested he sign my bust of the Earth X Hulk created by Alex. All in all an awesome moment for me as a huge Hulk and art fan.

I also was treated to a signature by Chip Kidd. So now my copy of Marvelocity is signed by both these awesome guys. Having a signed bust of this unique Hulk by the creator is a great addition to my collection. To date I am lucky enough to have a hulk statue signed by Stan Lee and this bust signed by the Ross.

Can’t wait to see if he makes another appearance. I am so happy to be living close enough to meet him like this.

Till next time – GET SMASHED!

Hot Toys Gladiator Hulk – NEW PHOTOS

After many months of really no updates and continually looking at photos of the prototype – recent photos of the Gladiator Hulk (from Hot Toys) have begun surfacing.

Overall the figure looks mostly the same as the prototype…at least in general. The biggest change seems to be the head and helmet. The Hulk’s face is much closer to the movie. The hairstyle has a tighter cut. The helmet seems to have more detail (battle damage) and the mohawk is thinner. All good improvements in my opinion.

The only other noticeable change (and this I don’t like) is the body paint being silver instead of white.The silver is an interesting choice…but it doesn’t show up well. The original white paint has better contrast with his green skin.

Overall I’m happy with these recent updates to the figure. I have mine pre-ordered and been waiting for it to be released. But they keep pushing back the release date. Hopefully it shows up in the next month or so. I might even do a video review for that one.