Sephon66 – (Compound) Hulk Smash (3D Print)


For some time now I resolved not to attempt another Hulk 3D print. The Planet Hulk project took so long and the Vengeance Hulk was a huge headache. But then I found this amazing model from Sephon66 over at CGtrader. I instantly saw potential for a large scale compound hulk. The artist must’ve based the head sculpt on the cover from Hulk #30.

The model at full size was a bit too big for my printer…mostly due to the base which was the largest piece. So I scaled it down to roughly 75-85% if I recall correctly. In retrospect I probably would’ve retained a bit more detail in the model had I gone bigger, but for the most part I’m happy with how it printed.

Going smaller took less time to print and paint which I also preferred.

Overall the making of this figure went smoother then previous prints. However, painting it threw me a few curveballs. I didn’t quite have the right metallic paint for the Hulkbuster so I had to improvise. It’s decent, but not as metallic as I would like. Also, the green skin of Hulk initially was very bright and clashed strongly with all the red/warm colors of the figure. Referring back to color theory this I should have predicted as they are complimentary colors. Visually somewhat jarring. So to make this less of a problem I painted a thin wash of red over the surface of the green. This helped a lot, but almost too well. I had to lightly remove some red to let the green highlights come through. Once I found a good balance the the colors of the figure seemed to better mesh together.

This figure was a lot of fun to make and I am happy with it. Though I still feel it’s not as good as the Planet Hulk statue I made. In any case it makes an incredible addition to my collection and highlights one more form of Hulk rarely seen as a toy/statue/etc.

If you are interested in making this yourself I recommend you check it out here and support the artist.

CGTrader – Hulk Smash – Sephon66

Check out the gallery below for more images.


C2E2 2019: A SMASH-TASTIC Event!

I recently attended C2E2 and thankfully it turned out to be a much better visit then the previous year. I met some great (and legendary) artists and writers. I acquired some new Hulk swag for my collection. And I have the blisters to prove how much fun I had.

Jason Aaron and Marc Silvestri were in attendance. So of course I had to have them sign my copies of Incredible Hulk (vol.3) # 1 and 3 (I wasn’t a fan of the cover on issue #2). The cover on issue #3 has been a favorite of mine for a long time. The story was a bit rough around the edges for me, but I still enjoyed the idea of Bruce turning into a Dr. Moreau and the Hulk needing to stop him.

Ed McGuinness was again available this year. So I was focused on getting a graded signature from him. I managed to have him sign my copy of Hulk #30 (the compound Hulk issue) and his She-Hulk (181 homage) variant cover. In addition, I found he was selling an original splash page from Hulk #30 showing the entrance of Xemnu! Yes, it wasn’t exactly the Hulk, but it has the Red Hulk along the top.

And some of you may or may not know that Xemnu was the first Marvel character to have the name ‘Hulk’. So its a unique addition to my collection that expands on the history of the name, if not the character himself. In any case, I was just excited to own an original panel. The page was penciled by McGuiness and inked by Dexter Vines (sadly he cancelled at the last minute).

And last, but certainly not least – I got up early and waited in line three hours to meet the legendary George Perez (co-creator of The Maestro)!  I requested signatures on my hardcover copy of Hulk: The End (which features the Future Imperfect story line) and my copy of The Incredible Hulk: What Savage Beast (as he did the illustrations for the book).

I also snagged a selfie with the guy – such a nice man. I feel so incredibly lucky to have met him. This is his last year attending conventions, as he is retiring. So this was it or nothing!

In addition I snagged a couple rarer Hulk comics: a Fantastic Four variant exclusive to certain conventions and Incredible Hulk #166 (first appearance of Zzaxx).

All in all an amazing and productive weekend! Cannot wait till next year!


Hulk #30

Do you like the green Hulk? Do you like the red Hulk? Well good news! With this issue you don’t have to choose!


Writer: Jeff Parker / Artist: Ed McGuinness

This is probably one of the most unique and fun issues to come out for the Hulk in recent memory for me. This issue was released in April 2011 with Ed McGuinness (artist) and Jeff Parker (writer) as the creators.

In short this issue is crazy. The art is amazing and the story is moved along by the inclusion of such a random assortment of characters. Not to mention you see the one and only time the two Hulks are merged into the ‘Compound Hulk’. Both Hulks come together to fight Xemnu who demands a fight to prove himself the better Hulk (see Journey into Mystery #62).

A character known as the ‘Impossible Man’ offers to help and merges the two brutes in order to not only defeat Xemnu, but the assorted other monsters he summons. The Impossible Man is a welcome addition of comedy and is very much a merging of Jim Carrey’s ‘The Mask’ and Genie from ‘Aladdin’.


Of course this merging is not exactly the ideal plan for both brutes who prefer to work alone. As such we get some interesting verbal sparring between both Hulks as they fight to gain full control of their new form and eventually find a reason to fight as one.

The story is more or less self contained. So you can easily buy this issue and not feel lost by any preceding events and receive a satisfying conclusion all within this one book.

In short, I can’t recommend this book enough. Go and buy it. That being said it does seem sort of hard to find, but not too expensive. And it seems this form of the Hulk has made quite an impression as there are Funko pops and other assorted items for the compound Hulk. Such as the NYCC exclusive figure.

Note: the photo shown is of a signed copy I own. Signature by Ed McGuinness.