Sephon66 – (Compound) Hulk Smash (3D Print)


For some time now I resolved not to attempt another Hulk 3D print. The Planet Hulk project took so long and the Vengeance Hulk was a huge headache. But then I found this amazing model from Sephon66 over at CGtrader. I instantly saw potential for a large scale compound hulk. The artist must’ve based the head sculpt on the cover from Hulk #30.

The model at full size was a bit too big for my printer…mostly due to the base which was the largest piece. So I scaled it down to roughly 75-85% if I recall correctly. In retrospect I probably would’ve retained a bit more detail in the model had I gone bigger, but for the most part I’m happy with how it printed.

Going smaller took less time to print and paint which I also preferred.

Overall the making of this figure went smoother then previous prints. However, painting it threw me a few curveballs. I didn’t quite have the right metallic paint for the Hulkbuster so I had to improvise. It’s decent, but not as metallic as I would like. Also, the green skin of Hulk initially was very bright and clashed strongly with all the red/warm colors of the figure. Referring back to color theory this I should have predicted as they are complimentary colors. Visually somewhat jarring. So to make this less of a problem I painted a thin wash of red over the surface of the green. This helped a lot, but almost too well. I had to lightly remove some red to let the green highlights come through. Once I found a good balance the the colors of the figure seemed to better mesh together.

This figure was a lot of fun to make and I am happy with it. Though I still feel it’s not as good as the Planet Hulk statue I made. In any case it makes an incredible addition to my collection and highlights one more form of Hulk rarely seen as a toy/statue/etc.

If you are interested in making this yourself I recommend you check it out here and support the artist.

CGTrader – Hulk Smash – Sephon66

Check out the gallery below for more images.


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