Immortal Hulk #2 Review

Yet again Al Ewing and Joe Bennet deliver with an awesome Hulk installment. We find ourselves following Bruce Banner as he investigates a series of deaths all seemingly connected. Meanwhile the Hulk lurks in the back of his mind, waiting for night (or death) to come.

What I truly love so far is that this story, much like the last, is truly its own self contained story. No guest characters, no references to other story lines, no fluff. Just a simple (hard hitting) story of a man, a monster…and a Hulk. So far each issue has read like a mini-novella horror mystery series.

The art  by Joe Bennet continues to be amazing and really drive home the emotion of all the characters.  Alex Ross also offers another sweet piece of cover art for this issue. Reminds me of those pulpy horror story covers on older books and magazines.

This is a very different Hulk story then in previous years. This is not a superhero story…this even ain’t quite an anti-hero story. Its a tale of a monster bringing justice on other monsters.


What’s also interesting about this series so far is you never actually quite see the Hulk “SMASH” anything. You always see the lead up to it and the aftermath. But never the event itself. We have seen the Hulk destroy stuff plenty in the past. What’s new here is his motivations for smashing are the focus. Why he does it is what’s interesting. There’s no need here to see someone punched into oblivion. What’s important is to know why…and to see the results of a vengeful Hulk.

Brilliant work. Can’t wait for next month!